
Notional agreement: One of those who - 古德明

2014年03月18日 - 蘋果

問:三月十一日貴欄有以下一句:She is one of those I regard as a secondary or "second-tier" friend(我心目中有些二線朋友,她是其一)。句中as a ... secondary friend不是應改為as ... secondary friends嗎?

答:美國英語學者James Kilpatrick寫過這樣一句:In Washington we encounter "to prioritize" all the time; it is one of those things that makes Washington unbearable(在華盛頓,整天聽到「須分緩急先後」一語,這是華盛頓討厭的原因之一)。Kilpatrick把one of those who / that / whom當作單數主詞(subject),配單數動詞makes,招來一點非議。他最初也以為自己錯了,後來多方求證,發覺one of those who等當作單數主詞可也,當作複數主詞可也,看作者着重的是one還是those,這種按意念決定單複數搭配的規則,文法上稱為notional agreement。

英國大作家Jonathan Swift寫過以下一句:He is one of those that must lose his employment whenever the great shake comes(一旦內閣大改組,他和若干人定會丟職)。美國大作家Mark Twain則有以下一句:Aunt Polly was one of those who are infatuated with patent medicines(波麗姑母是那種愛吃成藥的人)。這兩句,one of those who / that或以one為主詞,或以those為主詞。所以,韋氏英文用法詞典Webster's Dictionary of English Usage說:「莎士比亞以至基爾帕特里克,恒以one作主詞,但以those作主詞之例句,也不勝枚舉。」這裏限於篇幅,不便徵引原文,請諒。

