
千古罪言、須放這裏 - 古德明

2013年06月13日 - 蘋果

問:前港督彭定康說:But I do not admire or look up to the Chinese Communist Party, any more than of old I admired the Soviet Communist Party。這是不是說,蘇共還值得一點尊敬,中共卻完全不值得?Of old是指「以前」嗎?又用but或and起句好不好?


Of old的確是指「以前」,例如:

(1)Macao was a lovely little town in days of old(從前,澳門是個可愛的小鎮)。

(2)People of old did far less damage to the environment than we do(古人破壞環境,遠遠沒有今人那麼厲害)。

彭定康那一句,那位讀者誤解了下半截。I don't like A any more than I like B直譯是「我對A的喜愛,一點都不比對B的喜愛多」,也即「兩者我都不喜歡」。所以,千古罪人彭定康那句千古罪言是說:「但我並不欣賞或尊敬中國共產黨,一如我從前對蘇聯共產黨也沒有好感。」

問:以下一句,哪個選擇正確?──The door is required to place there / to be placed there(根據指示,門要放在這裏)。

答:這一句當然要用被動語態(passive voice)to be placed,正如以下一句,to be closed不可改為to close:The door is required to be closed for security reasons(為保安全,此門必須關閉)。

